Saturday, January 15, 2011


Keith, Khyri, and I welcomed Kielle Elaine Mosley into our family on Thursday January 13, 2011 at 5:40pm! She is absolutely perfect! Khyri is a big brother, and now the 'vote' in the house is tied 2 boys to 2 girls.

I went to my ObGyn appointment on Thursday morning at 9:30. She checked me and said that I was 3c dilated - I guess the pineapples kicked in a little bit. Doc told me that I definitely wouldn't make it to next week, she was thinking maybe Thursday maybe Friday. She told me to help bring the contractions on to go walking. So I drove home and went outside and just walked up and down the block for about 45 minutes.

After the walk I felt the contractions strengthening, but nothing serious. I called Vonetta to see if she was on her way from Augusta to watch Khyri. Everything was set. Now I just needed to relax at home and let nature take its course. I knew this time around that I didn't want to do a lot of laboring a the hospital, so I purposely was waiting at home until the contractions got heavy and were 7 to 8 minutes apart. While at home I took warm showers, Keith rubbed my back, and I walked through some of my contractions. It really wasn't that bad and all those birthing class techniques were put to the test.

Vonetta got to the house around 4:00pm and around 4:30pm I told Keith its time to go. Normally it takes 10 minutes to get to the hospital. Normally. It took us 45 minutes instead of 10! But let me back up... so we're on the East-West connector literally crawling through traffic. The roads were still a little icy so everything was extra slow. I think it was the position I was in once in the car and the slow moving that made my contractions speed up.. Now they're coming every 5 to 6 minutes... Now y'all know Dr Heathcliff Huxtable clearly says "head to the hospital when your contractions are 5 minutes apart"... I start to get concerned. As we continue crawling...

My water breaks. Yup in the car... at 5:15pm on the East-West. Now with Khyri I had a nice slow trickle... not this time - full on warm gush... All over the Camry... Now I'm panicking. Everyone warned me that with your second child after your water breaks labor can progress quickly... and that it did! Mind you.. WE ARE STILL ON THE EAST-WEST. Now the contractions are extra strong and steady... Plus I'm losing my mind. We get stopped at a light and I tell Keith " I have to get out of the car" That's right OUT - on the East-West... I pop open the door and am on the side of the road on all fours with a big ole wet stain on my butt rocking back and forth moaning. I definitely gave the people driving behind us a story to tell the families at dinner. Out of control.Traffic starts moving... but not the Camry. Keith says we have to go but I don't care I'm not going anywhere until this contraction passes. He turns on the hazards and we wait. Once the contraction passes I'm back in the wet car seat and we get back to our crawl.

Luckily Keith remembered a short cut to the hospital. I think his quick thinking shaved a good 3 minutes of the ride!! Two more lights.. we can see the hospital signs. Red light on Austell Road.. are you kidding me!?!?!? Out pops Kahlillah for the second time onto the side of the road... rocking like a madwoman. I labor through the contraction and jump back in the car...

We screech into Labor and Delivery. I fall out the car again on all fours. Two random men leaving the hospital see me in pain on the floor and come running. They ask Keith whats going on.. did I fall? Nope. she's in labor... These two men went to NUT CITY!! They start hollering "she's going into labor!... get a wheel chair!... she's pregnant!.. she's having a baby!" Now I start balling. I think I was so overwhelmed that we actually made it to the hospital and that no matter what we would be alright... Keith runs inside to get a wheelchair. Trust me when I say it is NOT like the movies... No nurses came running out.. nobody yelled STAT.. nothing... Just Keith with a wheelchair. The two men literally hoisted me into the chair wet bootie and all and off we go inside.

We roll past registration at 5:30pm where at some point I yell out Mosley and my social security number and we go up to the second floor. When we get there everyone is too calm. No one was sensing the urgency. They take me to triage. I tell them " I don't need to be in here - This baby is coming now" no one listens. Ok y'all want me to show out... One nurse is like let me take your temperature - woman we don't have time for that!!! So I jump on the table and they want to check my cervix. They're like "wow mommy you really know you're body - you're 10 cm dilated and at 0 station!" WHAT!??!?!?! Wait.. so here I go - "um I want an epidural" Y'all they ignored me! I think they said let's not tell her she can't get one its waaay to late. So they roll me into the delivery room I have another contraction. Mind you... they still don't even know my name.

My doctor is not here... She's stuck in traffic. So a midwife is on call. I don't even know his name. I have another contraction and they keep telling me don't push... uh yeah right... so I push and poop comes out. once I get through that contraction the midwife says you have two options "We can wait for your Ob or we can go ahead now"... I'm sorry!!?... I don't see where there is a question!??! Wait!!? Um no. I don't roll with Dr. fine like that - Let's get this baby out. On the next contraction he says "Mommy you can push" (cuz he STILL doesn't' know my name)

It was THE WORST PAIN I have ever felt in my life. Seriously. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I pushed once and the ring of fire burned through my body. The head was through. Next soft push and pop - Bmo had arrived. It was 5:40pm. The nursing staff didn't realize that Keith and I did not know what we were having, so we had to ask what sex the baby was! LOL. I really think the staff thought that I was trying to go for a natural birth... The kept saying stuff like "you know your body.. and you did good" I don't think they realized I was in shock. The midwife asked Keith if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord, and he was like "uh no - you got that" and then they tried to give Kielle to me right after delivery... um not the kid... I need for y'all to clean her up a bit please Thanks! We are not crunchy!! This was not planned! I wanted the drip drip drugs... hahahahah

I completed all of my 'pre-admission' paperwork after Kielle's birth LOL. They took my blood after Kielle's birth LOL. We told them our names - finally. It was crazy.

My friend Danielle has welcomed me into the elite club :
The few... The proud.. the strong.. The Naturals!

I didn't want to be part of this club, but looking at Kielle's beautiful face I wouldn't have had it any other way --well... maybe a little different LOL :-)


Little Miss Kielle - 6lbs 5oz.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Dear Bmo,

This serves as notice of your eviction from Mommy's body. This is a three step process.

39 weeks: first notice: A friendly warning is issued to get things ready, by increasing walking and upping the intake of spicy foods. This is not termination, simply preparation. Make a few calls, tidy up some loose ends, get ready to make your move.

40 weeks: second notice: The "written" warning. Foot and ankle massages have commenced and pressure points are added to show the seriousness of the matter. Fresh pineapple is added to the diet to assist with your evacuation. Last chance to get out peacefully. You are strongly urged to comply. Only pack what you really need. Leave all non-essentials behind.

41 weeks: final notice: If you have not willingly left the premises, as a last resort removal will be forceful on Thursday January 20th with the aid of some nice drugs to jump start contractions. Its sad that we've gotten to this point, but drastic measures will be taken. Grab whatever your little hands can carry - its time to roll!

Please understand that this notice is not meant to scare you into arriving tomorrow (Though it would be nice, I can be a little flexible) - but rather to inform you of how serious this situation is. I have done my part - its time for you to hold up your end of the bargain. The deal was 40 weeks... Clearly I've made your stay nice and comfortable but alas, it is time to go. 

As you mull over this eviction notice, please be mindful that your route for evacuation is already mapped out. My belly button is not an escape hatch! No matter how hard you push and kick, it will not open and let you out.Just stick with the designated route and you will have a pleasant trip into the world.


Monday, January 10, 2011


There is a strange calm that has come over 1038. We are all anxiously awaiting Bmo's arrival. During my 'spare' time I have cleaned up and just handled some finishing touches. The whole family went to two baby stores and perused the double stroller section - eeeks! We're not going to buy one just yet, but we wanted to see what was available.

Bmo are you coming today?

Here are a few pics of  Bmo's bassinet and clothes drawer. Notice all the neutrals. I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or girl!!


Guess who is brushing teeth! Good dental hygiene starts early. Khyri eats at least 1 apple a day (half for breakfast and then half for snack). He loves brushing his teeth. I let him 'brush' with his yellow Cookie Monster toothbrush while I do my teeth and then I get in there really good with his blue Spiderman toothbrush. This should *hopefully* get him battle ready for when we go to the dentist sometime next year!

We put up Khyri's play table so now he eats his snacks there and plays. He got some Playdoh for Christmas. Once he figured out what it was he liked it LOL. He hasn't tried eating any yet, but I have a feeling its only a matter of time. He also is addicted to 'reading' his College Bound placemat from Seriously... ADDICTED.

Hmmmm... this might be a fun toy!

Khyri is Tufts University Bound!
Class of 2012!

But, all in all, the more things change and Khyri grows up - the more they stay the same! He still loves sitting on his 'porch' and 'reading' books (His favorite right now is "The Foot Book" by Dr. Seuss. I swear we read it at least 4 times a day!


We woke up this morning to 4 inches of snow. That's right - 4! Now for those not familiar with the culture of the South, 4 inches actually equals 3 feet of snow! haahahhahaha. EVERYTHING is closed. Now its decided to rain a little so there is ice on top of the snow - not a good look at all. You'd think with Bmo on the way and these bad weather conditions the Mosleys would hunker down and have a nice leisurely snow day... NOPE!

Sunday Night...How much snow is gonna fall?
Monday Morning!
 For two people born and raised in the North, I must say - Keith and I have lost our winter swagger. We don't have anything to handle this snow - no shovel, no squeegee, no nothing. Sad.

Mosley snow removal kit ... tsk tsk tsk

Luckily our neighbor is from Michigan and he lent us his squeegee to clear off the cars. I even helped out a little bit. Keith was petrified I was gonna jump start labor though. I don't want to hear NOTHING about I don't have my man's back - LOL... I was out there DOING IT!


A little snow made for some great family fun! We bundled Khyri up in triple layers NYC style and put on his rainboots. I couldn't find his gloves so we had to make do... white socks over his hands LOL! Not the most fashionable way to go - but it worked.
Makeshift gloves - mommy's socks!

Overall, I don't think Khyri was impressed with snow this time around. This is the fourth time he's been out in the snow and I think the top layer of ice spoiled it for him. Normally he'll just run around loose, but he was hindered by the ice. Needless to say he was TUCKERED out for naptime!



We're really glad that we were able to get this fun time in with just Khyri! Now let's just hope the sun comes out and melts all of this snow away... shoooooot we've got a baby to deliver!