Thursday, February 14, 2013


The special day is here and the hubby and I were up  last night making Valentine's Day cards for Khyri's classmates. Yes, we had homework. There are 18 kiddos in his class so we had an assembly line going hahahahah. I made simple little cards out of white poster board with red and pink heart outlines. Simple. Inside the hearts we put each student's name.

To "seal the cards with love" we had Khyri practice writing his name on the backs of each card :-)

Hopefully his cards will spread joy. I explained to him that these were Valentines and that they let his friends know that he cares for them. I can't wait to see how much  "love" he comes back from school with today!

Enjoy Valentine's Day! Give someone you care about a hug or a kiss *smooch smooch*