I have had some pretty funny encounters while nursing in public. From high fives to rolling of eyes - everyone seems to have an opinion or comment about breastfeeding. Recently I was in Target and had this encounter:
I was returning some items and talking to the
customer service rep. She began talking to me about how chunky Kadir is.
She asked, "Does he sleep through the night?
I said, "Not yet. He still has a midnight feeding and then he'll sleep until around 5am."
She said, "What kind of
milk is he on?"
I said, "I nurse."
She said, "Oh is that some new kind of
milk? I used Gerber..."
I damn near died! hahhahahahaha I just pointed to my chest and said, "No, I breastfeed." I mean I know we have an iPhone and iPad, but iNurse baby formula really!?!?!? hahahaha
Even Khyri was looking at her like "this one's not too bright mommy."