The tumblebus pulled up at 10:45am and we loaded the kiddos on at 11. Talk about having the party come to you - it pulled right into my neighbor's driveway.
The bus was loaded with everything a toddler loves - a slide, a trampoline, a tunnel, and rings.
Neither of the munchkins got on the rings. hahahah They were all about the slide which, for the record, there is a bigger free one at the playground up the block... *sigh* ahhahahaha
Would you believe they even had a zip line!??
Each gymnastic athlete got a gold medal for their time on the tumblebus. It was awesome!
The bus stayed for an hour and the kiddos got good and tired. We moved inside for some lunch followed by free play time.
We knew we'd have a lot of cards since it was a double birthday party so we decorated the wall with their birthday cards!
Both munchkins got some presents and toys, but the best gift of all was playing with friends!