In addition to showcasing his forms and moves, Khyri had to demonstrate his strength and focus by breaking a board using a push kick. He was really surprised the first time he tested for his first belt.
After 9 months of training as a white uniform (novice) and moving up three belts from white to yellow to orange, Khyri was invited to participate in black belt training. This means a new snazzy black uniform and also getting protective gear.
Tae Kwon Do has taught Khyri that you do not get things without effort, practice, and patience. He always says that he does not "get" belts, but he earns them. It's a great lesson for today's youth who believe that everything should come easy and without effort. For every belt test, the student's teacher has to fill out an "intent to promote" form. This form asks the teacher to evaluate the student's discipline, focus and overall academic standing. I like this policy of including the teacher, because it shows Master Chung's dedication not just to Tae Kwon Do for each student, but also their academic success as well. You can't do well in your extracurricular activities and not excel at school - Master Chung does not allow that!!
This past month, the school had a local tournament. Khyri was not allowed to participate because, to me, he is not practicing enough at home. He needs to work on his technique one additional day besides the two days that we go to the dojo. He has another opportunity to test for his next belt in a month, we will see if I will allow him to test.
And of course the Mosleys get a package deal because whatever Khyri learns in class I make him teach me and Kielle :-) hahahahah. We're all gonna be black belts up in here!