Saturday, September 14, 2013


After a wonderful Labor Day weekend in Chapel Hill, North Carolina we geared up to send little miss Kielle to school. All week I had been prepping Kielle about going to school. I bought her a new book bag and explained that she would be going to school like Khyri. She just looked at me with a blank stare, so I had no clue whether she understood me or not. Life was good. Kielle was enjoying life and smelling the roses!
Life is Good!
On Tuesday September 3, 2013, Kielle was dressed to impress in her blue dress and pink leggings. She was sooooo cute. *cue happy go lucky music* The sun was shining. Kielle happily brushed her teeth. She smiled through breakfast and giggled as we put on shoes. I opened the door and handed her the book bag *scratch music*. Kielle starts crying... no, wailing. Apparently she understood everything I had said the previous week about this book bag and school. She knew full well that if she put on this book bag it meant that she would be going to school. She hadn't signed off on this. She liked the outfit and all, but carrying accessories?! not so much. hahahahaha. After repeated attempts to get her to put on her book bag failed, we gave up, loaded Kielle and Khyri into the car and headed to school.

As we walked in Kielle looked suspicious, but she calmed down when we dropped Khyri off at his Pre-Kindergarten class. I guess she was thinking "Oh we're just dropping him off, I'm all good." Nope. You're next buddy. As we round the corner and head to her classroom, the shock sets in.

We walk into the classroom and everyone says, "Hello Kielle". When I tell you I think I heard Kielle mumble, "Y'all not fittina fool me!" hahahahahahha. As we go to the center of the room and meet her teachers, Kielle's grip tightens and the wailing begins again. 

The crying started out loud, an expression of dissatisfaction. Then it softened and went more of a whimper with tears. That's when I knew she was sad :-( So then I got sad :-(  What about Daddy you ask!?! He's standing dry eyed steady snapping pictures talking 'bout "It's time to go she'll be ok." *sigh* no sympathy for the kid. none. One of Khyri's former teachers Mrs. Catherine came over to diffuse the situation. She told me to hand over Kielle, tell her I love her, wave, and say bye bye. I attempted to turn and walk out of the door and this happened...

She kept saying, "No mommy. You stay. Stay please." Then she pulled the sibling card and said, "Mommy, I can have Khyri? I can have Khyri?" I felt horrible. I said, "Not now Kielle, Khyri is in his classroom. You will stay here and have fun with Mrs. Catherine and your new friends." Kielle looked around like "What friends!?!? these people???" ahhahahaha. I finally handed her over to Mrs. Catherine and headed out the door after giving her no less than three kisses.

As we walked out of the school Daddy kept asking if I was ok. He said, "Its ok she's a big girl. She needs to be in school." I know already! Geesh I get it :-) I've been saying I wanted her to go to school since May when we put her on the waiting list, but now that the moment of truth is here... not so much. I miss my buddy! I watched as Daddy drove away and I sat in the parking lot for 20 minutes. Yes, 20. I just couldn't will myself to turn on the car and leave my baby.

I needed a distraction to get me through this first day. My first thought was to buy Kielle a puppy. Every child like puppies and surely this will make her love me again after putting her through this trauma right?!?.  The problem with this plan is that we would have a puppy but we'd be homeless cuz Daddy would not be happy! ahhaha.. so I needed a new plan. Retail therapy. Yeah that should work. Me being my extra frugal self, where do I "splurge"?? Dollar tree. I was in there BALLING. Do you hear me?!?! Cheap kiddie socks - sure. Random water bottles - sure. Unnecessary nicknacks and doodads - I'll take 4 of each!. hahahaha After 2 hours in the store I came out feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. All for around $22.00 :-)

Khyri gets out of pre-K at 3:00pm. I was at the school at 2:42pm picking up Kielle.I asked the teachers how she did and at first they didn't want to tell me. Everyone kinda looked around like, "hmmm should we tell her the truth?!?! or sugar coat it" hahahhaa. Then Mrs. Catherine peeked over and said, "she cried all day. but it will get better!" That was all I needed to hear. I knew it was gonna be rough; I mean seriously, she's trading in hanging with super cool mommy all day for a bunch of strangers. no contest!

Khyri and I grabbed Kielle and wouldn't you know it, she put on her book bag. Yup! progress was already being made - in one day!

As always we go outside and play with Plunger the dolphin school "guard". Doesn't the book bag look like its gonna swallow Kielle?!?!

Geesh, I'm whipped!
When we climbed into the car, I asked Kielle what she wanted to do. Since it was her first day of big girl school she got to choose our afternoon activity. She said she wanted to go to Petsmart, so off we went.

Doesn't Kielle look like she's whispering, "I too was caged for a whole day... but look at me now! You'll be free just hang in there." hahahahah we stayed in Petsmart for a few hours watching the birds, fish, and dogs. Afterwards, we went home and put together some puzzles that I had picked up from Dollar Tree earlier.

When the kiddos finished their puzzles, we waited for daddy to come home and headed out to Food Truck Tuesdays in Smyrna.

It was a trying day, but all of the anxiety and tears were necessary. Kielle is now a big girl and before long she will be learning a whole lot and making tons of friends!

Here's to the beginning of lifelong learning Kielle!

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