Monday, March 24, 2014


Well we have finally come to a New Year! The last two months of 2013 were filled with holiday tradition, visits from friends, and tons of laughter. Here is a run down  of the things we've seen and done the past two months.

Tia Arhima came to town for Thanks giving weekend and we headed out to Babyland General to the Cabbage Patch Kids hospital. It was all decorated so nicely. The kiddos loved looking at all the ornaments on the trees and listening to the carolers. Good times.

Of course Khyri finds the tiiiiiiiny section dedicated to "boy toys" and of course... Kielle loves the trucks. *sigh* 2 hours in the car. Imma need for you guys to stay focused on these string haired dolls please! We can see trucks and stuff at doggone Toys R Us up the block.

They even had life sized Cabbage Patch Kids walking around. Khyri was not feeling these giant things AT ALL...
 Kielle however was freely giving out hugs :-) Well half hugs - with a thumb...

We colored in a picture and wrote a short note to Santa.

... and had a tea party.

Me and my two baby dolls :-)

At home we did some Thanksgiving crafts. We made hand turkeys using leaves, berries, and acorns that we found at the playground.

We made A LOT of turkeys! LOL

Papa Dot sent Christmas newsletters for the kiddos to read. Khyri enjoyed his... Kielle asked where's the present. SMH.

 Everyday this winter Kielle has worn boot. EVERY. day.


Khyri's Pre-K class put on a Holiday show at school. His first debut! They sang "Jingle Bells", "We wish you a Merry Christmas", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", and "Feliz Navidad". They were asked to wear Red, Green or White. I like how Khyri's in green - standing out from the crowd :-)

Clearly you have to have some bells when singing "Jingle Bells"!

"You better not pout I'm telling you why..."
 I don't know what song this is... but my baby's got the moves DOWN PAT!

Of course after it was all done, Khyri was completely over it :-) ahhahaha.. on to the next activity please.

Check out Baby Boy SANGING :-) We gotta work on his stage presence though.. I mean he was so focused he didn't crack a smile until the very end. LOL.

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