Sunday, January 25, 2015


I was in serious cleaning mode this weekend and as I was cleaning out the bathroom cabinet, I came across tons of toiletry samples I had ordered or gotten from hotels. I decided that this was a good opportunity to bless someone less fortunate and teach the kiddos about charity and helping when possible.

I rounded up my helpers and explained that we were going to make "goodie bags" for people who were homeless. I explained that we are very lucky to have a house with rooms and beds and pillows. We are very lucky to have enough food to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner - and even snacks in between. I talked to the munchkins about how it is hard for people without homes, especially in the winter time, when it gets cold.

We started by separating out toiletries to see how many bags we could make. We had shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash, dental floss, deodorant, cotton balls, and nail files. All of the items were travel or sample size, so that I could fill small sandwich bags for easy transport.

I had read an article some time last year about how the extra unpleasantness that homeless women face when they have their cycles, so I placed 2 sanitary napkins in each female bag.

In addition to the toiletries, I placed a little note inside each bag and the kiddos drew pictures on the notes. The favorite inspiration that I included was from Carl Bard:

Though no one can can go back and make a brand new start,
Anyone can start from now and make a brand new beginning.

My plan is to keep 2 bags in the center console of the car, so if we pass a homeless person or if we are approached, I can just hand them the bag and wish them luck. In total, the kids and I made 6 bags (4 female and 2 male). Its not much, but its always nice to give what you can - when you can.


Tarah said...

Love this!! Way to teach your children to have a giving spirit.

Anonymous said...

This is freaking awesome! True life education begins at home, indeed :)